Exhaustion yet Fruitful. This was my first time going for PC Fair. I never knew that it was this huge, it's 3 levels and not sure how many halls. Apple to Samsonite to Western Digital to Buffalo to Sony to Nikon to Canon to Kaspersky to...the list goes on and on. That's a whole long list of brands, don't wanna inmagine the products there. All sorts of IT stuff that you can find is all there. My forst time there and this time around I went because I badly needed an external hard drive. Yes, I bought a ruby red Buffalo home. *wink* The fair was huge and packed with humans yet I bumped into so many coursemates. Only coursemates and not other friends. I guessed I know why; because all of us who are taking the same course are off on Fridays. TGIF!!! The shopping spree, so many things caught my attention. I wished I could but everything. I wanted a camera but I am still thinking of it. At first we went scouting around for the best price and the better ones. Nevertheless, we the legs got tired and the tummy felt empty, we decided to just buy what we see at that moment. Obviously, it was what needed. It was a fruitful one. Apparently what I bought was red. I think red was todays's theme. KM and Jo wore red top, I had something red on me to (you wonldn't wanna know what) and my external and headphones are red too. Yay...looking hot! Oh...I love my headphones so much. The sound is awesome. I can now blast the music without annoying anyone or my family will not distract me ^_^ . Actually, I bought them so that my friends can call me via Skype. Some privacy needed. I like all the things I bought and the movie, The Last Airbender was not too bad. But one things sad was money flying away from my purse. Can I dream that the cash will always be supplied and I can spend all I want. Just dream on, sweetie.
Alright, got to go do some revision. QBM Quiz is happening in less that 10hours. Wish me luck. Then, straight heading off for a roadtrip down South. Gonna have a fun weekend =D
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