The sister called from Singapore... I was surprised when her name appeared at the caller's bar. Enthusiastically, I picked up the call. "Hello, yea.. What's up?" Out of my curiosity, she told me that she saw her ex all the was in SG. So did they greet each other? Nope, because she only got the glimpse of him from the back. Then she saw the his face by the side and it resembled her ex. Without hesitating, she confirmed that it was him. They were about to board the same bus but she waited for the next bus instead. She was trying to avoid him. So then, I asked her why she wants to avoid him. No definitely answer, she said just don't want to bump into him. Well, she just don't wish to see his face. Haha... me being a good sister telling her to calm down and not to think of the past. So what if you guys bumped into each other. Not like you're not living life fully and happily. Just don't think about him and wait for your hubby to end work. That's what I told her.
Later, I was just thinking that it's such a small world. All the way in Singapore they nearly bumped into each other. After so many years not knowing if he still exist or living in KL still, he is now in SG. Good Luck to him. He is a nice guy but no matter what he hurt my sister. That I'll not forget. Moreover, why should my sister avoid him, she is better than before now. She is nicely enjoying life such as shopping and going for workouts while her husband is working. Most importantly, she is now married. She is not being a spoiled wife, she is just waiting for things to be confirmed and start working.
Besides that, I am also thinking until today my sister do not wish to bump into her ex. What about me then? I pray night and day that I will not see my own ex every time I go somewhere. As compared to my sis, her was years and mine was just months. I wonder how long will I totally over this fellow. When will I not have the urge to not know how is he and If I will not bother his existence? I hope I will be able to be entirely over it and accepting the fact he is my past. I still have to learn. So much more to learn... Life is never easy!
So it wasn't only me that is avoiding the ex in this world filled with realities.
Whatever that did not kill me make me stronger!!!
Of course, you're going to get your heart broken. And it isn't just going to happen once, but a lot. That's just part of growing up, and it makes you stronger. Then you can handle it better next time. You may not get through it yourself, but your friends will help you through it. And you'll be a stronger person because of it. Then one day someone will come along, and it'll all pay off and no one will ever break your heart again.
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