Tuesday, April 10, 2012

That's How April Begun!

Dear April,

You haven't been that good to me.
Or should be positive and say so far so good!

Started  off the month with a taxing week finishing of my research proposal and literature review for my Business Research paper that is a pre-requisite for my thesis. Oh well, a kinda last minute work and thank God the lecturer extended out deadline, just 4 days more were better than nothing. That was because our tutor taught us again on the Friday just before we need to hand-in on Monday on how to do the proposal. He taught us few times but we didn't have the hang to get started at all. Hence, we got a few days extra compared to another major.

Nonetheless, I was dead worried about me not able to meet the deadline so I asked for a permission to extend for a week. Partly, because my topic was rejected twice by my tutor. I discontinued putting thought in the initial topic because I actually simply pick one. Then, I was serious about the second. I purposed my idea to my tutor and he rejected it stating that it's not related to my major. In fact, it was one of my core subject that was so important. Sigh.. I really wonder how is he qualified to be a tutor, what's more to say A Lecturer!

That was about the two assignments. Another scariest thing is the plagiarism report of the two write-ups. Phew.. less than five percent, we're give a maximum of twenty percent. Well, honestly..I felt kinda skeptical because my percentage was only one and two! Whereas, others are around five or the majority of ten to twenty. Hmmm.. I really don't know. Anyway, handed-in already!

Then, followed by mid-semester test and today was the first paper. Opened book test, barely studied as usual. LOL!!! Yet, I managed to do the Financial Math but didn't have enough time to complete all the questions. Sigh!!! Argh.. Let's do better for assignment and finals, shouldn't I??!! Oh well, YES I MUST!!!

Last paper on Thursday and it's the toughest because the lecturer already warn us. Two questions for two hours but she said it won't be enough. then, why on earth she set such a tough paper. Goodness gracious, she expects us to master it just like that. Boom!


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