Saturday, April 30, 2011

LAN Papers

Exams and it were finals on a Saturday!!! So not fun. Worst when they were LAN subjects!! Barely read the textbook because I had other papers yesterday and also sacrificed them to watch the royal wedding. Went there early in the morning, at 7+ and the corridor was filled with people. Started off with Malaysian Studies, one word bad! I just hope that I passed the subject. Not so much of reading last minute problem but it were all facts that I studied years ago yet I could not recall. I should just say I have no interest in it. I better pass the paper and not see it the rest of my life. 

Then, followed by Moral paper an hour later. I was at the library brushing up some facts tho the temptation to close my eyes were very strong. I did took a nap, long nap perhaps that was almost half and hour. Haha! Oh well, Moral was not meant to be studied from book but human nature, behavior, attitudes, practices and etc. So, some sort of I know what is right and what is wrong then can be applied. Well, there were some term I still do need to memorize like utilitarianism, pro life/pro choice and blah blah blah... The paper wasn't that bad after all. Obviously, I answered all the MCQs with the prefect gun in hand where as, the essay question I crap something. Daring? Yeap, because I already know how many marks I need to pass the whole paper from other assessments. Just hope that  would get at least 20 MCQs correct then that's it. 

These two subjects kept me so busy the whole semester. They even took a toll on me this month. The most assessment yet with one event each. I really really really want to pass both so that I don't need to repeat the same hassle anymore. 

Hah.. end of April! Done with year one. I hope I'm really done with it. Till results out...

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